Scholarly Commons at Miami University: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 1630
Data archive for "Mechanisms of Chiral Induction in Foldamers"
Foldamers, oligomers that adopt well-defined conformations, represent an efficient strategy toward nanoscale structural complexity. While most foldamers fold into (chiral) helices, many abiotic foldamers are built from ... -
Understanding the Financial Performance of Ohio's Nursing Homes During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic
Brief examines the financial viability of Ohio's nursing home industry. -
“We’re a hidden secret, and we won’t want to be hidden anymore:” 2024 landscape of adult day services in Ohio
Adult day services (ADS) provide participating adults with social activities, meals or snacks, personal care, or therapeutic activities. These services also allow caregivers some respite from providing care. In Ohio, ADS ... -
Cultivating a holistic view on identities of STEM librarians, as researchers, scholars, and librarians
While academic STEM librarians help users with their research, they also often conduct research of their own. Cultivating one’s research identity is important in guiding a research journey, communicating one’s research and ... -
‘I need to make a map - can you help me?’: Starting geospatial literacy at the beginning, and reaching learners across diverse subject areas with online and open instructional videos
Fairly frequently researchers from the sciences, social sciences and humanities, ask the library for help to make a map for an assignment or a piece of scholarship they are working on; other times they want to go a little ... -
Embracing the Shift: The Impact of Health Care Contracting on Community-Based Organizations
Growing evidence for the impact of social drivers of health (SDOH) on health outcomes has underscored the value of social care, defined here as community-based programs and services that address health-related social needs ... -
Raw data for "Temperature Effects in Conventional and RAFT Photopolymerization"
Raw data for the manuscript 'Temperature Effects in Conventional and RAFT Photopolymerization' -
Disobsolesence: an approach to obsolete industrial sites within the rust belt
The rust belt region of the United States, a once prosperous industrial epicenter for the world, suffered from rampant disinvestment, deindustrialization, and a shrinking population since its height in the postwar period. ... -
Cricket for the people: designing stadium for the 21st century global community
Cricket is a popular sport that is played in many countries around the world. It is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of eleven players. The game is known for its unique rules and terminology, including the use ... -
Geographic Inequalities: Exploring Green Space Access in New York City
Access to green space, areas such as parks, outside playgrounds, and general plant life, has been linked to positive physical and mental benefits. In metropolitan areas like New York City, it can be difficult to find and ... -
The Relationship between Vernacular Architecture and Embodied Energy
At the core of green building initiatives exits low embodied energy. This concept suggests the importance of reducing emissions in architectural development by implementing low-energy materials through low-energy mechanisms. ... -
Countering the Dominant Ideology of the Christmas Movie Genre
In the world of cinema, a strange phenomenon emerged in the 1940s and continues to this day: this is the phenomenon of the Christmas movie. This paper investigates the question of what defines a film in the Christmas ... -
A geospatial analysis of the role of lead exposure in substance use disorders.
This project investigates how the disproportionate exposure to lead (Pb), a hazardous neurotoxin, may result in the development of substance use disorders (SUDs) through a geospatial analysis of: 1. Discriminatory ... -
Architecture For Crisis: Designing a Space Between Public Realms and Healthcare Facilities
In 2020, when COVID-19 hit worldwide, many nations ran out of capacity for hospitals, treatments, and facilities, forcing hospitals to expand their facilities beyond their traditional physical boundaries. Even with ... -
Reclaim, remediate, & revitalize: environmental injustice in Detroit, MI
This thesis study investigates the effects of living in toxic communities and the relationship between humans and the natural environment. The industrial revolution brought many new forms into urban/industrial cities. ... -
Rethinking the world expo
Throughout history, the World’s Fair has brought together nations to share accomplishments, technological advances, industrial might, architectural experimentation, and cultural identity. World’s Fair buildings are largely ... -
5-HT2C receptors in the BNST modulate contextual fear conditioning without affecting acute ELS-enhanced fear learning in adult rats
Abstract: Background/Objectives: Rodents provide a useful translational model of fear- and anxiety-related behaviors. Previously stressed animals exhibit physiological and behavioral stress responses that parallel those ... -
Raw Data for "Photoresponsive Carbodiimide-Fueled Transiently Crosslinked Polymer Hydrogels "
Raw Experimental Data for the manuscript "Photoresponsive Carbodiimide-Fueled Transiently Crosslinked Polymer Hydrogels "