Browsing Hilles, Stefanie by Title
Now showing items 1-17 of 17
Beyond the Land Acknowledgement: Indigenous Language Revitalization, Student Activism, and Critical Theory in STEM Librarianship
Throughout their history, libraries have participated in white supremacist power structures that privilege white knowledge over that of other cultures. While humanities and social science librarians are becoming more ... -
Building Alliances and Allies: Advocating for Art Methodologies in Digital Collections Collaborations
This presentation addresses the art of advocating for disciplinary methodologies in collaborations with digital collections and special collections. While art librarians speak from a well-articulated methodological position ... -
Creative Deconstruction: Using Zines to Teach the ACRL Framework
Zines not only record the narratives of counter-cultural movements and preserve the voices of marginalized people, their creation and history can also be used to implicitly teach students elements of the ACRL Framework ... -
Deconstructing Neutrality: Hope Olson, Classification Bias, and the Library of Congress Fine Arts Range
Neutrality is one of the founding principles of library classification; however, systems reflect the biases of the people and societies that created them. Library neutrality is, in fact, a myth. This presentation will ... -
Exhibiting STEAM: Engaging Art Librarianship in the STEM Narrative
Art and science are often thought of as separate and unrelated disciplines. However, art has frequently been influenced by scientific discoveries, and science has used artistic techniques to expand knowledge. Since STEM ... -
A geospatial analysis of the role of lead exposure in substance use disorders.
This project investigates how the disproportionate exposure to lead (Pb), a hazardous neurotoxin, may result in the development of substance use disorders (SUDs) through a geospatial analysis of: 1. Discriminatory ... -
Libraries Are Not Neutral: Implementing Social Justice and Critical Information Literacy into One-Shot Instruction
The United States is finally listening to the Black Lives Matter Movement. After the tragic murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and far too many others at the hands of police, white Americans are recognizing the ... -
Metadata Obscura: Refocusing digital collections through the lens of art history
Art librarians often rely on generalists in metadata and digital collections departments to accurately describe visual collections. When these partnerships are successful, students and researchers in art disciplines can ... -
The Prejudices and Antipathies of Art: Teaching Students about Bias in the Library of Congress Fine Arts Classification During One-Shot Instruction
From recent controversies surrounding the pejorative subject term “illegal aliens” to the former use of insulting terms like “yellow peril,” it is clear that the Library of Congress Classification System and its subject ... -
(Re)Building Alliances: Advocating for art methodologies in digital collections collaborations
Advocating for art disciplinary methodologies in collaborations with digital collections librarians, especially in academic libraries, is a vital skill. While art librarians have refined and transformed their relationship ... -
When You're Forced to Go Digital: Zinemaking Online
In spring 2020, universities found themselves navigating an unprecedented and sudden shift to online learning. Librarians have played a crucial role in connecting students and faculty with digital tools and resources during ... -
Zine Scene: Engaging Students in Power and Resistance Narratives Through Zines
Zines, from Punk and the Riot Grrrls to contemporary zines created by people of color and the LGBTQ+ community, are inherently intertwined with social action and countercultures seeking to subvert and resist authority. ...